TravelTime - Komplett tur- och resebyrå WordPress-tema

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 165

Created: 2 jan. 2019

Updated: 27 nov. 2024

ID: 76397

og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 12.40$/mån

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= 8.1 = Release Date - 13th Jan, 2025

  • PHP 8.3 compatibility added.

  • WordPress 6.7.1 compatibility added.

  • WooCommerce 9.4 compatibility added.

= 8.0 = Release Date - 17th Nov, 2024

  • Elementor support added.

  • CSS errors fixed.

  • PHP 8 compatibility added.

  • WordPress 6.7 compatibility added.

13 Reviews for this product

Productum valde bene factum et perfecte operatur, nonnullae difficultates cum nonnullis externis plugins ad compatibilitatem sunt, eg weglot pro translationibus sicut verbum pressorium fragore. Ceterum restat aliquantulum difficilis ut septa pretia pro elaborandis diversis menstruis praestationibus coniuncta. Tam in pretium ipsum quam in commodo consequat. Il prodotto è fatto molto bene e funziona perfettamente, ci sono un po' di problemi con alcuni plugin esterni per la compatibilità, ad esempio weglot per le traduzioni in quanto manda in crash wordpress. Per il resto rimane un po' difficile gestire le fasce di prezzo per i tour legati a mensilità diverse. Sia sull'interfacia stessa del tour sia sui woocommerce.
Excelente producto, facilita la creación de la página web, hace más fácil el trabajo del programador y ayuda a las personas que son principiantes a crear una pagina web sin gastar dinero en programadores, dando las herramientas necesarias para crear tu página sin ser un experto en programación, te ayuda a impulsar tu negocio de manera efectiva, es muy fácil de usar y despierta tu creatividad, las herramientas con las que cuenta, los filtros, las calidad de las imágenes son esenciales, y ya tienes tu página estructurada para empezar a crear y reemplazar información. Una herramienta excelente que ayuda tanto a expertos a facilitar su trabajo como a principiantes a empezar creando de una forma divertida.
Dear Yuriza, thank you very much for your comment. I hope our theme has met all your expectations about the travel website. Best regards
I think this template suits my needs very well but definitely, there are things to improve. However, I'm so happy with my template. Thank you so much Ongoing Themes team
Schönes Theme, m.E. etwas kompliziert aufgebaut aber wenn man die Logik verstanden hat, ist es einfach anzupassen. Der Support ist wirklich super und schnell.
Great template, compared it to many others and it's much more better! And many thanks for the great support!
Dear Customer, Thank you very much for your comment about our theme. Best regards

0 Comments for this product

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Customer Support

4,2 /5
Support rating (30 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 22 4 1 3 2 2 0 1 5
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
